Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week Five Weigh In

189.0, a one week loss of 1 pound.

Total weight lost so far, 6.4 pounds.

I've corrected an error from last week. The digital scale was wavering between 190 and 188.8, and I foolishly gave myself the benefit of the doubt, knowing damn-good-and-well I had eaten like a pig the previous weekend.

This week I didn't do all that much different (from previous weeks when I was sticking to the plan), which tells me that my metabolism has adjusted to eating less. Put simply, I'm getting to the hard part: the last ten. To reach my goal, I'll be stepping up the weightlifting (four times a week!) starting next Monday. God help me.


Mike said...

Nice work! I think some weight lifting is in my near future.

Eric said...

173.6 lbs,
basically the same despite a 45 mile week. Oh wait, that means I'm in perfect balance.

Dave said...

Thanks for initiating this asshole. Ever since we did, I've gained about 4 pounds to weigh in at the heaviest I've been in a year. I'm coming for you Hines. Luckily, I'm walking, so that should burn some calories.