Friday, June 11, 2010

What's That Noise?


Jay said...

On the way in to work this morning, I heard a guy on NPR describe this thing as something that anyone could play but no one could play well.

Eric said...

I'm told it's prominently featured in Dave's new album. Can't wait.

Matt said...

I'm listening to the cacophony of thousands of them right now, and I keep swatting my neck because I feel like I'm about to get stung...

Dave said...

Andy had to explain to me yesterday what that buzzing swarm sound was. I thought it was primitive satellite uplinks from Africa.

Mike said...

It was apparently decided a few years back that soccer wasn't sufficiently annoying. I was glued to the tv for the US match, couldn't believe it when that ball rolled in off Green's hands!

Jay said...

Apparently, ESPN is looking into a way to filter out that horrific cacophony. Godspeed.