Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have now seen Avatar.

That is all.


Eric said...

Early Bastard reviews were none too positive, right? Still haven't seen this one myself. Did you watch it in IMAX or iPhone?

Dave said...

I heeded Lynch's advice and avoided iPhone. It actually was Blu Ray! Woo Hoo! Looked fantastic, but Cameron (like Lucas) is not a dialog master. Visually stunning, hard to believe it is the highest grossing film ever though.

Joe said...

It was a great step visually, and the 3D was phenomenal, but really, it wasn't very good. I'm with you, Dave. I don't see how it made that much money. I guess the masses go for the blue titties.

Mike said...

I've actually been a blue titty man ever since X-men.

Jay said...

Nobody ever lost any money aiming low. "Unobtainium" still makes me giggle like a school girl.