Saw it last night. It was compelling enough, but the plot had some serious problems. It's pretty clear Marty (I can call him that) is going for some new twists on classic psychological thriller touch-points, which he does well. DiCaprio's not awful, but Ben Kingsley seems to be trying too hard. Worth seeing, but it's not among his best.
Damn, I was hoping this was a home run. (That's in football, right?)
I'll still prolly see it anyway.
I second Joe's lackluster nod. And for a non-fantastic film, it's pretty long. I may see The Crazies this weekend. Then again, I just bought a Nano and TurboTax. I'll more likely be eating beans and watching something like nordic giant uphill freestyle bob-skiing.
Saw this today. Have to agree. Bravura film making, but to what end? I knew there was a 'surprise' ending coming, but I'd sussed this one out long before. I kept hoping for a surprise surprise ending.
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