Monday, November 03, 2008

I came out...

I admitted I voted for BO at work today. Expect...a bit of tension. I'll bring donuts. Is he gonna win? Andy? Lurker? Dave? Other dumb guy?


Dave said...

We didn't even bother with a mock election at my school since it is pretty clear that 98% of our students favor Obama. I'll probably wear an Obama shirt to school today (although I wouldn't if I still taught government or civics).

It looks like a pretty clear win for Obama, but after 2000 and 2004, I won't believe it until it happens. I kept expecting a last minute dirty trick, but then I remembered that Karl Rove is not in charge of McCain's campaign. You sure could tell, huh?

Jay said...

Yeah, the Republicans seemingly kept the evil to a minimum this time around, although it's very telling that Obama's Web site has a section JUST for addressing disinformation.

Win or lose, Obama's run an absolutely brilliant campaign ...

Mike said...

I feel pretty confident in an Obama victory, but will be watching the vote tally like a sports event.

My son's school is pretty evenly divided, maybe leaning to Mccain. Not surprising for a private christian school in the Bible belt. I wonder if he wore his Obama shirt today?