In Rainbows is out today. 5 pounds (about 10 dollars) seems right to me, but Radiohead has also given us the option of paying nothing. This fascinates the hell out of me. How many people, given the choice (and with no penalty!), will just take the music?
I know you guys aren't huge Radiohead fans, but what do you think is a fair price for new music from one of the biggest bands in the world?
Not being such a fan, I probably wouldn't pay much if anything. If it was somebody I liked, or an album I really wanted, I might pay as much as $10, but I'd probably be more inclined to pay less, probably around $6 or $7. Part of music purchase for me is actually having the physical CD with artwork (what's left of it), liner notes, etc. How much does it cost to make an album, post it and do everything else involved?
I guess another factor would be how it's selling or has sold. If it's someone I like and they don't sell much, I'd want to pay more than I would for someone along the lines of Radiohead, who will probably sell a lot and aren't quite as desperate for my support.
My plan was to pay the same as you Jay, 5 pounds. An iTunes album is generally 9.95, which I think is fair price for something you can listen to forever.
I guess I still haven't bought into the digital music yet. I have yet to buy anything from iTunes or any other mp3 source. Everything I've bought has been CD or vinyl. I think they're probably both going to go the way of the 8-track, which is a shame. I'll miss them. That said, $10 is about what I always thought CDs should cost.
It's good! I'm on my second pass, and I'm liking it even better.
Read a favorable review at Times Online.
I'm with Joe on this one, I like something I can hold in my hand when I pay money for it.
Even if you pay $5 for it, Radiohead's cut will probably be larger than if you bought it through the traditional label/retail route for $20.
And good luck with closing, Joe!
I still buy CDs. The great thing about iTunes for me has been picking up individual mp3s of my favorite old metal albums, lovely 70s gems, and random Paul McCartney tracks. In other words, stuff I don't want the whole album of. I have yet to purchase a 'whole' album from itunes, but I love the ability to do so. Guys who don't have one: pick up an iPod shuffle. 75 bucks, holds 300 songs, and plays the ones you load at random. It has made me fall in love with my CD collection again.
I only buy CDs if they're cheaper than iTunes. I bought Spoon's new one at Target because it was $8.00.
You have Spoon's new one and I don't? What's wrong with this picture?
D'Oh! It's on the way to the Fairly Tight Panties ...
You'll LOVE it!
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