Friday, October 26, 2007

Okay, Is It Me Or ...

Is blog interest waning? Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

I know peeps get busy and shit ...


Mike said...

Only with your posts. I think Dave and Joe's are quite interesting.

Seriously, much of my fuck off time at home and work has evaporated in the past few weeks, with trips to DC and Atlanta and just a ton of crap at work. At home, my bathroom renovation is a fat, steaming loaf of stinking annoyance. I've had to stay with my sister some and take showers at my parents' house. If I'm still peeing in the backyard next week, I may be unable to complete a sentence without profanity. (Sorry for the whinging.)

Dave said...

I have been a traveling fool these last several weeks, with Boston, Seattle, and Charlotte on the itinerary. That's over for now, so my asinine comments should be coming at a steady pace from here on out. No waning interest on my part, as long as the posts aren't about music, contain videos, mention ftp, or have anything to do with video games.

Joe said...

Same here. This move has officially been the fucking move from fucking hell. And it's not over yet! Sometime late next week I should get the Internets at home and will be able to watch videos and spend time farting around on the net w/out worrying about my boss looking over my shoulder as I do it.

Joe said...

BTW, Lurker, are you doing this bathroom renovation yourself? If so, can you mail me some of what you were smoking when you decided to undertake such a project? We're probably going to have a few of these types of projects over the next year or so.

And remember. It could be worse. You could be taking showers with your sister and staying at your parent's house.

Mike said...

Ha! It's true, Joe, I must've been on something. But today has been triumphant! My dad and I primed my walls, caulked around the tub, installed the bath faucet and the toilet tank: I'm peeing like rich folks again! My dad and uncle did much of the work, as did a handyman with the drywall and electricity. My own DIY skills are at the "hold the flashlight" level, but I've gotten my hands dirty once or twice on this one. Hope you get settled in soon!