Friday, December 01, 2006

So Dave ...

Have you guys decided where you're headed?


Dave said...

Your map seems a little biased... why isn't there a golden halo above Wyoming, which is where I really want to go? You see, I've decided that I really, really love Dick Cheney and want to be with him, to be near to him, and to be like him.

In all seriousness, we have no idea what the hell we're doing. We are even kicking around the idea of staying here one more year in order to save some $$ and to give Caroline a couple years on her resume before we go hunting for big bucks. You shall be the first to know, good sir!

Joe said...

I didn't know you were thinking of moving, Dave. I'm so out of the loop. Feel free to come visit Austin and give 'er a test drive. I'll show you all the places where the people who aren't cool go...

Jay said...

Oops, I thought I was being subtle.