Thursday, October 05, 2006

Essential Music Geek Viewing Tonight

I've been thoroughly impressed with the "Classic Albums" series in the past, and tonight VH1 Classic presents Classic Albums: The Making of The Dark Side of the Moon. In a typical episode, ANYONE who had a hand in the creative process is interviewed: band members, managers, engineers, producers, cover artists, former record label execs. (Even the odd Rolling Stone editor makes an appearance.)

Together, they proceed to deconstruct the album, song by song.

For some tunes, the original masters are dusted off and the engineer isolates tracks on the soundboard to demonstrate some amazing feature of the song. For others, a bandmember sits with a guitar and explains his inspiration, playing riffs or what-have-you. For still others, a mildly amusing or ironic anecdote is related, such as how the biggest hit of the album almost wasn't included, and why.

Even if you're not a fan of the band or album being profiled, it gives you a greater appreciation for the blood, sweat and beers that went into producing a recording generally considered a classic.

Amen and amen. Ad infinitum. Ahem.


Dave said...

I've actually seen this before (my buddy Paul has it one DVD). Very interesting episode. The DVD features lots of isolation of the keyboards, guitars, etc. Very cool for musicians or Joe.

Jay said...

Good to know, Dave! I'm so looking forward to this, it's creepy.

Jay said...

It was as good as I was hoping.