Monday, September 12, 2011

The Rising

We can't Forget The Past, but fortunately we have the Boss to help us get through. Anybody remember this album? It was Bruce's reaction to the 9/11 attacks, and his first with the E-Street band in years. I found myself going to it over and over when it first came out, but haven't listened to it in years before pulling it out again yesterday. As usual, Bruce manages to capture the stories and emotions of the aftermath of that horrible day without being overly sentimental or employing the tacky schmaltz of the million Nashville pricks and their flag-drenched tributes.

See also: Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.


Dave said...

I'm a big fan of this album, minus some of Brendan O'Brien's production. Lonesome Day, City of Ruins, etc. are just fantastic. This just really holds up as a pretty great artistic statement.

Jay said...

I can appreciate your Fabulous Talking Points but I don't see it.

Joe said...

Oops. Will get on that tomorrow.

Eric said...

Yay, Nashville Pricks! Oh wait...