Monday, August 15, 2011


Coffee Table of the Gods - $8 (Minneapolis)

Date: 2011-07-21, 1:18AM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

This coffee table is perfect for someone with a cocaine habit or shooting a porno movie.
As you can see from the photo, the majestic beauty of this coffee table rivals earthly treasures such as: the color of the sky at sunset, the laughter of a small child, and infidelity.

Qualities of the table:
-The muthertrucker spins
-Doesn't have any weird splotches under black lights

Due to the assumed large demand for this table, all inquirers will be subjected to a quiz to determine their level of badass-ity.

The price of the table is firm: $7.83, four cans of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, and a framed photo of Betty White.

Location: Minneapolis
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2505248081

Now that we're all considering selling off our shit, I figured we could draw some inspiration from this outstanding craigslist post.


Jay said...

-Doesn't have any weird splotches under black lights


Funny you should mention selling off our shit; I just unloaded a ton of old rekkids Saturday. Of course, I took store credit over cash, but I picked up a vinyl copy of Radio City for $15.00. Score!

Eric said...

Mmmm, vinyl.

Mike said...

I just can't find my inner vinylphile struggling to break free. It has certain attractions, but I just can't justify it in a world filled with must-have coffee tables.

Dave said...

The only vinyl I'm into these days are my weekend 'outfits'.

Joe said...

I'm into leather.