Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bully for Virtual Bookclubs!

I'm forming a virtual bookclub with my friend Mike, and we've decided our first read will be this biography of Teddy Roosevelt by H.W. Brands. If any of you Bastards are interested, let me know and we'll set up a way to interact, pontificate, dissect, and discourse. Bully!


Joe said...

A what club?

Dave said...

It's like a ladies book club, but we read alone, drink, and then discuss through pithy email correspondence. Come on Presidential Timeline fella!

Mike said...

I don't do well with book clubs. There's always something specific I'm dying to read next and it's never a Teddy Roosevelt bio.

Dave said...

I know you've had your heart set on that Millard Filmore bio for awhile.

Mike said...

James K. Polk, Napoleon of the stump.