Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Lennon appears to be blowing off some steam while performing "I'm Down" at Shea Stadium. Anybody know why he nudges George and points to the keyboard near the end? My guess is that he broke something, but I have no idea ...


Joe said...

That's really cool. Is there a full version of that concert floating around somewhere? I've never seen that footage.

Jay said...

Yes, it seems to be chopped up into about eight parts. The first one is here.

Dave said...

I've seen quite a few songs from this show in various places- Beatles Anthology has a bunch.

Mike said...

It makes me think of the semi-meltdown of John at, where was that? Candlestick? Where the others were laughing at him, but nervously. He then seemed kind of entertained that he could do anything and the crowds would roar.