Wednesday, December 31, 2008

If nobody else is going to do it...

My favorite albums of '08, in no particular order:

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yestsin - Pershing
TV on the Radio - Dear Science
The Whigs - Mission Control
DBT - Brighter than Creation's Dark
Alejandro Escovedo - Real Animal.
Okervill River - The Stand-ins
Hold Steady - Stay Positive
Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound

Honorable Mentions - Clash Live at Shea, Bowie Live '72, Latest addition to Dylan Bootleg Series

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but those are the ones that I remember playing over and over throughout the year.


Dave said...

First I'll respond to Joe's choices and then add some of my own:

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yestsin - Pershing: Loved it. Great album and very inventive and catchy.
TV on the Radio - Dear Science: Tried it several times, and despite rave reviews from here and other quarters, couldn't get into it.
The Whigs - Mission Control: Good.
DBT - Brighter than Creation's Dark: Great, but too long. Edit it, baby!
Alejandro Escovedo - Real Animal: Have not heard it.
Okervill River - The Stand-ins: Have not heard it.
Hold Steady - Stay Positive: Excellent, and a great show to boot.
Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound: Just burned it but can tell I am going to love it, if not LOVE it.

Add ons:
Cardinology- Ryan Adams
Fleet Foxes
The Bon Iver album
REM - Accelerate
Ron Sexsmith - Exit Strategy for the Soul
Aimee Mann- #$^%@ Smilers
Elvis Costello- Momofuku

Disappointments this year: Weezer, Matthew Sweet

Jay said...

Great picks, guys! Not sure if this is my "best of" list, but I sure played the shit out of 'em.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing
Alejandro Escovedo - Real Animal
David Bowie - Live Santa Monica '72
Van Duren - Are You Serious?
Nine Inch Nails - The Slip
Portishead - Third
The Hold Steady - Stay Positive
Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
The Clash - Live At Shea Stadium
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I - IV

Mike said...

Good lists, full of memories of '09. My album of the year would be Stay Positive, hands down. I also dug, in no particular order:

Okervill-The Stand-ins
Elbow-Seldom Seen Kid
The Silver Jews-Lookout Mt.
Paul Weller-22 Dreams
Ray Davies-Working Man's Cafe
Sons and Daughters-The Gift

Jay said...

The music we listen to is so ahead of its time that Lurker is filled with memories of '09! Was it a good year?