Sunday, July 23, 2006

I can die now

Brothers, I went and saw Ray Davies Saturday night at the Paramount (similar to the Orpheum). I hemmed and hawed about going, and had basically decided I wasn't, but then Jack and I were downtown Saturday afternoon, so I stopped by the box office to see what kinds of tickets were left. Turns out they had just released some tickets in the FOURTH ROW!! I was dead center, in the orchestra pit.

What was great was that he had a full-on rockin' band. I was kind of afraid he'd be doing the solo acoustic thing, but he let it rip. I think I'll be needing to get his solo album, because the stuff sounded great. Of course, he threw in a few Kinks songs (my favorites being 'Till the End of the Day' and 'Celluloid Heroes'). He's a real entertainer, with a lot of energy and he absolutely belts 'em out. He told a lot of stories about being in the Kinks and his brother coming up with the 'barking dog' guitar sound.

That show goes up near the top on my all-time list.

Set list here.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Excellent! I have had the album for awhile, and it is very worth getting for any Kink-o-phile. Great that you didn't pass this up. My dream show is coming up on August 5 - I got tickets to see Tom Waits at the Ryman. Then I, too, will be dead, leaving only Jay on this blog.