Monday, October 31, 2011
Because What's Not To Love About Hitler And Dinosaurs
Danger 5. This looks pretty awesome.
I would buy action figures for this show if they make them.
I would buy action figures for this show if they make them.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Do You Like Country Music?

Me neither, but I'm trying. There's an occasional series on a music blog called 'A History of Country Western Music' and I like to download the offerings once in a while. Follow The Plaintive sounds if you wish, there's some pretty good stuff.
Friday, October 28, 2011

My affinity for Bjork extends mostly to the film "Dancer in the Dark" (she was fantastic) and a lingering desire to imitate her distinctive voice - it would be such a good go-to impersonation, you know? I don't know a single song of hers.
Anyway, one of you iPad-havin' bastards please review this album and get back to us, and Heavy D make sure your next album includes all the internets and twitter and Tesla coils and tuning forks and such.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Speaking Of Animated Halloween Festivities
Somehow, I've never seen the Rankin/Bass (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, etc.) produced Mad Monster Party? starring Boris Karloff and Phyllis Diller, but it's streaming on Netflix. Any Burton fan would probably be into this too, right? Apparently, Harvey Kurtzman was one of the writers!
Anybody ever watch it?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Every Holiday Is a Tim Burton Holiday

With Halloween looming, Burton imagery abounds. Above is the design for Burton's Macy's Thanksgiving Balloon. Combining this with The Nightmare Before Christmas, he appears to be taking over all of our holidays. I applaud this trend.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What To Read While You're Not Listening to the New Ryan Adams
First Take Pity on yourself for not loving Ryan Adams the way Dave and I do, then go an read a nice article from the AV Club that circles an idea from a nice article about Noel Gallagher by Chuck Klosterman on Grantland (my new favorite web-site?) back to Ryan Adams and the inevitable 'Heartbreaker' comparisons every one of his albums gets, then read this interview with DRA, again from the AV Club. Reaction papers on my desk by noon tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Periodic Table of Swearing
Click to embiggen (worth it), and click here to view the un-embeddable video.
My favorite swearing elements are Icc (International Cunt Circus) and Mfm (Mother Fucking Mother Fucker).
My favorite swearing elements are Icc (International Cunt Circus) and Mfm (Mother Fucking Mother Fucker).
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Something Worth Arguing About

There's a good article over on The Selvedge Yard that revives the great Fawcett v. Teigs debate of the 1970s.
As a boy growing up in the 1970s, I can tell you with absolute authority that there were two women who were on every pubescent boy’s mind– Farrah Fawcett and Cheryl Tiegs. Sure, there were others– but Farrah & Cheryl were the cream of the crop. And the major rite of passage was to have one of their epic posters up on your bedroom wall. That was huge. It showed you’d graduated from the land of legos and had entered the exciting, awkward, and confusing hormonal journey into manhood. Are we there yet?
I myself would have to go with Farrah, but I must admit to spending a lot of time drooling over this picture when it first appeared in the SI Swimsuit Issue. You can see her boobs!
If you're not familiar with the site, the Selvedge Yard is worth hours of your time.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Free Radio Dave

Our own rockstar / playboy / ne'er-do-well Bastard B. Dave (shown here without makeup) will be featured this Sunday on Radio Free Nashville. He's too unassuming to promote his own fucking awesomeness on this blorg.
I plead complete ignorance and lameness regarding the existence of the above radio outlet in my own backyard. My local airwave affinity extended only to WRVU - the Vanderbilt student station - until it vanished from the dial this year when its license was auctioned off & gobbled up by... wait for it... public radio. No joke.
WRVU was my commute compadre and I haven't bothered to figure out HD Radio yet (Jay?), nor realized that some of the shows I liked ("Cat Beast Party", "Nashville Mixtapes", the sublime "Nashville Jumps") found a home on Free Radio Nashville.
The link above provides interwebs connectivity so we can all listen to Durham's Own Alt-God from 2-4pm Sunday Sunday Sunday.
The program is free - I think Dave said that the sponsor is the Library of Appalachia.

Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 07, 2011
Thursday, October 06, 2011
The voice actors for The Simpsons are going at it with 20th Century Fox Television. Story here. Apparently they make $8 million each per season. Worth every penny?
If I was in a room with Harry Shearer I'd make him do Mr. Burns until he punched me in the face.
Would any of you bastards watch the show with different voice actors?
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Hitler Gets Angry About iPhone 4S
These angry Hitler clips have been around for awhile, but this one's worth a look. I should probably explain that Gil Amelio was Apple's CEO from February 2, 1996 to July 4, 1997. Jobs convinced the directors to oust him in a boardroom coup after Apple's stock plummeted.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
And I quote:
Sixty-five episodes of three seven-minute segments were produced, for a total of 195 segments that ran initially in broadcast syndication from September 1, 1966 to December 1, 1966. The series, produced in color, had extremely limited animation produced by xerography, consisting of photocopied images taken directly from the comics and manipulated to minimize the need for animation production.
Iron Man appeared in the 1966 series The Marvel Super Heroes where he was one of the five featured superheroes and was voiced by John Vernon.
That means Iron Man was ... Dean Wormer! Anyway, enjoy this week's episode, "The Other Iron Man."
Any of you tastemakers on this bandwagon? The Mystery Science Theater 3K guys have gone after bigger, more popular targets. Website here. You can sync up mp3's or buy the DVD for films like Star Wars, Titanic, Inception, Casablanca, etc...
Monday, October 03, 2011
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