Thursday, October 20, 2011

What To Read While You're Not Listening to the New Ryan Adams

First Take Pity on yourself for not loving Ryan Adams the way Dave and I do, then go an read a nice article from the AV Club that circles an idea from a nice article about Noel Gallagher by Chuck Klosterman on Grantland (my new favorite web-site?) back to Ryan Adams and the inevitable 'Heartbreaker' comparisons every one of his albums gets, then read this interview with DRA, again from the AV Club.   Reaction papers on my desk by noon tomorrow.


Joe said...

ps: Dave, Heartbreaker, pleeeease?

Dave said...

I'll get to it this weekend- anything else you desire/need? Ryan Adams and music related only please.

Eric said...

Yeah, I'm not in your little club but I think my spouse is. She says she was at the show where DRA kicked the loudmouth guy out and paid for his ticket, and apparently that's dope cred on Planet Adams.
I forget the assignment. But I missed the Oasis ship when it sailed, was listening to too much other stuff in the 90's. I never had a musical woodie for them until I saw Noel Gallagher cover "Don't Look Back in Anger" at the Teenage Cancer Trust. Phenomenal. I don't care what he did before OR after, if he can hit that height, that's what does it for me. It's like if Jefferson Airplane can create "White Rabbit" and "Somebody to Love" in the same album, who cares if they become Starship or Rickshaw or whatever?
Loved how the interviewer projected his own relationship with music upon Ryan Adams, who played the You Don't Get It card-- "music is my thing". Fuckyeh.