Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The A.V. Club reports:
The comics artist John Severin, who died earlier this week at the age of 90, was one of the last living, working links to the golden age of pre-Code comic books, as exemplified by Harvey Kurtzman's Mad and the other output from the EC Comics line. Severin was one of the principal artists on Mad and Kurtzman's war comics, Frontline Combat and Two-Fisted Tales. Early in his career, Severin became renowned for his careful attention to detail, evident especially in his work on those historically minded, tragedy-laced war comics. His style was less broadly cartoonish and more naturalistic than the other major contributors to Mad (Will Elder, Wally Wood, Jack Davis, etc.), but in his work there as well, he adapted his skillful draftsmanship and talent for creating sharply defined characters to the title's humorous scripts.


Mike said...

Thanks for posting. I must've enjoyed some of his work without know his name.

Joe said...
