Time for a little soul searching, ladies. Name the five most embarrassing bands (specifying album) that you would hesitate to admit to other music snobs that you actively listen or listened to. Anything from birth to present. And leave the Subteens off. That's a given.
Here's mine (gulp):
1) The Bee Gees - Their Greatest Hits
2) Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
3) The Outfield - Play Deep
4) KISS - Destroyer, Rock And Roll Over, Love Gun
5) Green Day - Dookie
You guys still like me, right? Heh heh. Right?
God, you're horrible.
Hey, KISS is nothing to be embarassed over. Maybe if you had 'Lick it Up' or something like that. And I loved Dookie when it came out.
But you should be ashamed of Nos. 1 and 2. Very ashamed.
Okay, here's mine. I never thought I'd admit this...
1) Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
2) Looking Glass - Brandy (don't know the album)
3) Gordon Lightfoot - Gordo's Gold
4) America - History
5) Van Halen - Women and Children First
You guys kill me. Other than the Beegees and Brandy, there's no serious shame on your lists! In fact, you should be embarassed to have included in KISS on your list!
Give me a minute, I'll show you boys embarassment.
1)Britney Spears-not album, but song "Ooops."
2)Disney Classics (Jiminy Cricket's voice is enough to make me instantly tear up!)
3)Tom Jones (listen to Sex Bomb and just you try not to love it!)
4)Gas House Gang-(a barbershop quartet, no less!)
5)Christmas Songs-I probably have 300 and make cheesy yuletide mixes every year.
Now that's what you call an embarassing list!
You're going to hell, Mike Lurker.
There's no shame on anybody's list so far. Its all solid gold.
So ... far?
Alright Dave, let's have it.
I'm honestly not embarassed by anything I've ever listened to. I get 'something' from all music. I can, however, list some things that others think I SHOULD be embarassed about. All of these are currently in active collection:
1) Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
2) Carpenters - Their Greatest Hits
3) Adam and the Ants - King of the Wild Frontier
4) Madonna - The Immaculate Collection
5) Al Stewart - Year of the Cat
6) Hall and Oates - Greatest Hits
7) Lots of Billy Joel and Elton John albums
I never really listened to American hair metal, so no Poison in my closet, and I only liked fairly cool new wave and punk in the 80s, so I feel no shame. Others may differ. As for Elton and Billy, I'm a songwriter and these guys are two of the best. Also, I never liked Creed or those embarassing 90s grunge-lite guys.
P.S. I don't know the Brandy album, but the Bee Gees are fucking genius. And I just listened to some Britney songs yesterday!
Love that Adam Ant CD!
Mike clearly has the best musical taste around here, aside from what I know will be his new favorite song: Alanis Morrisette's slow cover of 'My Humps' (which has been also been featured as Michael Scott's ringtone on the Office, BTW).
Ooh, forgot about Carpenters. Gold: 35th Anniversary Edition, bitches. Suck it!
Man, Dave, I love that Al Stewart record. I could live without the Carpenters, but otherwise no shame in that list. I just watched the 'Classic Albums' edition where they did "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road." He got cheesy in the 80s, but man, Elton is a true original. Billy Joel just bores me.
I guess I should add Rod Stewart to the list. Even "Do You Think I'm Sexy" is fun.
It's funny, Dave, I've never heard you express anything but enthusiasm for any music. You are the essential music anti-snob. I wish I could be so open to stuff that sucks.
God, that cracked me up.
Rod Stewart did vocals for Jeff Beck's Truth album. You Shook Me is one of the greatest overlooked rock songs ever. And the Faces stuff was solid. No shame there.
Speaking of, if you ever catch BBC Crown Jewels on VH1 Classic and it's The Faces, WATCH IT. Absolutely not to be missed!
Mike, I think that's why Rod gets beaten up so much in the music press: he held the keys to the rock 'n' roll kingdom, and he gave it all away to be a pop star.
Ah, right, I see.
Wow, did this thread have legs, or what?
I know how to stir you bastards up!
Actually, men are genetically compelled to respond to ANY kind of best or worst lists. We just can't help it.
It's kinda like when you ask a woman how her day was. You better have a good fifteen minutes ...
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