Happy Shark Week, Bastards! Join me in saluting legendary pop culture sharks and shark-ish creatures. Learn more about laser sharks here or from our own four-star sharkmaster, Bastard Matt.
I like these guy, but they always seem to out-weird themselves. Their latest album has been released on a USB stick embedded in a gummy fetus. It's also available online, but who wouldn't want a gummy fetus.
Craig Finn from the Hold Steady has a fantastic Tumblr. He's been chronicling his time in Austin the past few days, which included this juicy tidbit:
The Hold Steady start writing for record #6 in September. Meanwhile, I’m down in Austin making a record with Mike McCarthy. This one is a solo project.
Needless to say, I'm excited. Really, really excited.
Of course, we all know the Pistols played in Memphis. Now, you can relive the experience through the magic of File Transfer Protocol! Yours until some bastard deletes it!
Free Burrito Grande for anybody who can decipher the banter.
The Awl (whatever that is) has a list of members of congress with totally metal names. Topping the list: Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY). I guess John Boehner would've made the list if it was totally porn star names.
Let's see: Spielberg, Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig, effects by Weta. (This may come as a complete surprise, but I read The Adventures of Tintin in elementary school ...)
Holy shit, I almost had a seizure when I saw this one. Three words: too many colors. Also, eggs aren't supposed to have ears, dipshit. F
This one wouldn't be too bad if the color were kept inside the lines, you picked a new perspective, used non-abrasive colors and asked someone with talent to paint it for you. On one hand I want to give an A for effort but... F
This one would receive an "A" if the assignment was to throw as much random shit onto a paper as poorly as you can. I've pissed patterns on snow that look more coherent than this. F
Enjoy more children's art with unfiltered appraisal here.
“There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.”