Happy Shark Week, Bastards! Join me in saluting legendary pop culture sharks and shark-ish creatures. Learn more about laser sharks here or from our own four-star sharkmaster, Bastard Matt.
Thanks for the shout out to my cartilagenous friends. I have a confession to make though... I've been seeing other blawgs and posted about this over there. It's kinda my place for photos, sharks, n stuff.
here's the shark week thing http://www.making-it-up-as-i-go.com/?p=318
and here's the rest of it... http://www.making-it-up-as-i-go.com/
Oustanding bloggery Matt. I think the bylaws state.. if the baftard bloggeth elfewhere in cyberlande, he remaineth in goode baftard ftanding if wit & dick joke abound.
Thanks for the shout out to my cartilagenous friends. I have a confession to make though... I've been seeing other blawgs and posted about this over there. It's kinda my place for photos, sharks, n stuff.
here's the shark week thing
and here's the rest of it...
Hmm...makes me want to put on my sharkskin suit and my sharkskin boots and go have a bowl or two of shark fin soup. Matt, you in?
Oustanding bloggery Matt. I think the bylaws state..
if the baftard bloggeth elfewhere in cyberlande, he remaineth in goode baftard ftanding if wit & dick joke abound.
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