Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Our lame fantasy league.....
...is nearing the playoff stretch. Let's recap:
1) Jay hasn't maintained his team and still beat me pretty handily last week with three inactive players. So much for excellence.
2) Joe's team is called the Cleveland Steamers. Indeed.
3) Eric and I are tied for supremacy. I have sent him a virtual face-slap with my virtual gloves and we will be dueling (virtually) this weekend for first place position.
The 'good' news? All eight teams make the playoffs in this format! Gentlemen, to the gridiron!
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner died in LA today. Is it in poor taste to make a carbonite comment here?
Sunday, November 28, 2010

I was at the FSU - UF game this weekend. Oh how great it is to beat the Gators. And Maryland comes through and pantses NC State, so we're in the ACC Championship game next week! Go Seminoles!
I'm off to Vegas (no seriously) for the next couple days!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Stare Dad Comics
Ok, these are completely fucked up, but they make you laugh in a demented sort of way. Basically, this cartoon started it all, and now people use the graphics and add their own captions. The poor little boy comes to his dad with a problem. Dad can't be bothered and he stares him down. Hilarity ensues. The result is an example of demented parenting... or hours of fun.
If you like what you see here, and I think you do, you can find TONS more here. The greatest hits can be found here.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Educational gifts
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I Read A Book!

The wifey loaded a copy of Keith Richards' Life on her Kindle, so I took a stab and read it. It's a bit of a rambling affair, heavy on descriptions of the drugs taken (lots of heroin and pharmaceutical grade cocaine), the people involved (most you've never heard of), and the constant busts. The music obviously is in the forefront, and there are some cool songwriting stories -- Jagger wrote the lyrics to "Satisfaction" by a pool in Clear water, Fl and "It's Only Rock and Roll" was originally a Bowie/Jagger project that the band co-opted once they heard it.
The press made a big deal of how he mentions Jagger's "tiny todger" and called him Brenda and all that, but my impression was more that he went to great lengths to explain how important Mick was to him, sticking by him during all his drug and legal trouble, and how much he respected him as a writer and harmonica player, and that the big fallout was a result of Mick's piggybacking a solo contract on a Stones record deal and wanting to branch out from the Stones. That and he got pretty bitchy and wouldn't talk to the crew.
Bill Wyman, on the other hand, gets very little mercy, from Richards detailing how they only wanted him in the band originally because of his Vox amp and that their goal was to ditch him and keep the amp and talking about how he would pick girls out from the crowds outside the hotel, have them brought up to his room, serve them bad tea, then record their name in his ledger as scores. Richards notes that the chicks didn't come out disheveled and they clearly weren't in the room long enough to get their clothes off and put them back on, so it was just an effort to claim he'd bagged thousands of chicks.
He also talks a lot about Gram Parsons and how close the two were, sharing a bed while going cold turkey and scoring cheap Mexican dope in bad parts of LA, but also how much affection he had for him and how much Parsons influenced the Stones and the music business in general. And Mick hated him because he was jealous.
I was a little disappointed that there wasn't more discussion of specific albums, outside of the making of Exile, and some of the later ones like "Dirty Work" and "Voodoo Lounge," but there was so much description of songwriting and how he developed his style of using alternative tuning, it's hard to complain.
All in all, a great read, but I'm such a fan, it's hard to be objective. I have to say it was pleasant having the Kindle on a business trip and not having to lug the big book around, but I also had to turn it off during take-off and landing, the pictures from the book look like shit on it, and well, now I wish I had the book on my shelf. So I guess my verdict is that reading with the Kindle was no problem, but like albums on vinyl, I still am not ready to ditch the traditional format.
UPDATE: I should say for classics and keepers, I'm not ready to ditch the traditional format. For your average read that's not a keeper, the Kindle is tits.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Fox News - Not Racist, But #1 With Racists
Maybe it's time I start watching The Simpsons again ...
"Gah! We're unbalanced! It's not fair!"
Monday, November 22, 2010
Going once, going twice...
The album cover that John Lennon signed for his assassin is up for sale. Anybody got a spare $850,000?
Friday, November 19, 2010
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
Dr. Strangelove: Sir! I have a plan!
[standing up from his wheelchair]
Dr. Strangelove: Mein Führer! I can walk!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Cat Power II

Anyone else think a LIGER was only found in Napoleon Dynamite's notebook? Turns out if you cross a male lion X female tiger, you can get a 900 lb cat, twice the size of either parent.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm not sure if any of you other Bastards enjoy the mellow groove from time to time, but I for one love the old CSN (especially Stills - anybody ever heard 'Manassas'?) and other '60s Laurel Canyon stuff (I even like the Fucking Eagles until they get up to 'The Long Run').
For your consideration is the BBC's documentary "Hotel California: LA From the Byrds to the Eagles," which traces the Laurel Canyon scene from the early Byrds to the full-on corporatization of the scene (ie the Eagles). I made it through part one, and it's quite good.
C'mon, Dave, you've got some Joni Mitchell records, don't you?
Friday, November 12, 2010
From Russa With Love
This poor Ruskie spy has been betrayed by one of her comrades. Look, the Cold War is over. Let her back in the country!!!
Анна Чапман полная версия
Thursday, November 11, 2010
"From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." - Sir Winston Churchill
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Target Marketing

Here's an ad on NYTimes. I wonder, who looks at this picture and thinks, "I'd like to dress like this guy?"
I couldn't think of an answer until I followed the link and saw the slide show of the same dork in several other dopey poses. But then I had my answer: no one thinks "I'd like to dress like that guy." But someone does think "I'd like my boyfriend/husband to dress like that guy and to really listen to me when I'm talking, the way that guy appears to be doing to his girlfriend/wife."
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
Hot Rod Angels

NPR's got a "First Listen" of a few choice cuts from Bruce's "The Promise," which is a Dee-lux edition of "Darkness on the Edge of Town," complete with previously unreleased tracks Bruce recorded while in record company legal limbo following "Born To Run." I must have listened to the version of "Racing In The Street" they've got up there about fifty times today.
The accompanying write-up talks about the E Streeters' infatuation with Elvis and makes a claim that his influence is clear in Springsteen's phrasing throughout the cuts. I'll have to listen a couple more times before I take their word for it.
This being a heavy re-issue season, it will be hard to pick which ones to go for, but this one's pretty high on my list right now.
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