Everyday after school, my kids go to the school playground to run off some energy. There are a couple of other moms there that I've gotten to be good friends with, and the other day we were talking about cars. One of them happened to mention that her parents had bought two old 1967 Thunderbirds, but her mother got sick and died (God rest her soul), so they've just been sitting in her sister's driveway in Atlanta. I mentioned how much I love old cars like that, and she said if I would go get them, I could have them. For FREE! I think only one of them runs, but as she remembers them, they are in decent shape.
The kicker is that they have the big 345 horse 428 cubic-inch V8s (just in time for $3.50 a gallon gas)! I spoke to her yesterday, and it's all lined up. I'm going to head up there after the move and pick them up.
How cool is that? I almost don't want to tell anybody b/c I'm afraid to jinx it.
That is awesome! I don't mean about the cars, but the fact that you get to hang around hot moms at the playground. And that you have enough cache' to have a female willingly give you something! Good on you-
You SUCK! Of course, you know this means your house will never sell now.
Seriously, what are the odds that you would befriend a mom with a cool car who's also retarded?
Seeing as how you can only drive ONE of those cars, why not send one up to Memphis so Jealous Joanie can quit bitchin'?
Okay, I had to give you SOME shit. That is very cool, though.
Wow, I didn't know this sort of thing happened outside of urban legend! You're going to have (forgive me) fun, fun, fun!
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