An artist in San Francisco named Joe Alterio is raising money for the San Francisco AIDS Marathon by offering to create original artwork for a donation of $25.00 or more. The best part – besides the charity, I mean – is it's all robots and monsters! His plan is to add artists and causes down the road, but for now, it's just him.
After you make your donation, you email him requesting a robot or a monster, and three descriptive words as a jumping off point. It's a collaborative creative process, get it? I think I might donate, but can you guys help me think of three words?
How did I become aware, you may be asking? He emailed me regarding the similarity of our URLs, asking that I redirect folks if they mistakenly contact me looking for him.
Big. Gay. Heart.
Tiny. Porcelain. Mouse.
Wet. Moaning. Busty.
So far, Mike wins. But is that a robot or a monster?
A robot, of course! (no in-laws)
My suggestions kick the crap out of Lurker's. How about this:
Ass. Clown. Lurker.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Where. Is. Joe.
Aw, man, how did I miss out on this one?!!
Shit, I'm too tired now. That's cool that he contacted you that way. I wouldn't mind ordering one. Maybe I should use "Just. Give. Up"
"RobotsAndMonsters.org, after getting bOINGed and later written up in the Boston Globe's Ideas Section, took off like a rocket, forcing my hand to shut down donations earlier than expected. It probably also means that we cut off some additional funding, which breaks me up a bit, but I had to stop the insanity sometime: as of this writing, we raised over $8300 (w00t!) for the cause, from over 15,000 hits to the site, which is just stunning to me."
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