Enough with all these music posts, what's your favorite beer at the moment? For the last few months, I've been rockin' the Sam variety pack at my local Schnucks – two Brown Ales, two Black Lagers, and two Honey Porters. Today, I noticed at Sam's (Coincidence? I think not.) that they now offer a Sam Adams beers of summer variety CASE! Holy sweet mother of hops.
Is it me, or does Mr. Adams look a little like William Hurt in a bad wig in the above illustration?
Anyway, with Memorial Day approaching, this seemed like a question that needed asking.
I'm a little off beer right now, believe it or not. I'm trying to get rid of my beer gut before I go to my dad's this June. Last summer's pictures from around the pool were just awful- beer gut, pale ass skin. Yech. Anyway, my love of alcohol continues- margaritas, gin and tonic, greyhounds, and an occassional pint of dogfishhead 90 IPA. Super hoppy.
Mmmm...that 90 minute IPA is the nectar of the gods - I guess that's why it's $10 for a 4-pack.
Lately I've been drooling over Full Sail Amber. The local's got it on tap and I buy it in the grocery store when it's on sale. I'm also a fan of a local Texas beer called Brewhouse Brown, but I mostly buy Shiner Bock, another Texas beer, though it's not really that great.
And whenever I go to a RnR show, I drink Miller High Life. It just feels right.
Hey, Jay, remember when we were with you hooligan friends (Harry and those guys) at that place down on the river, it was right after I'd moved there, and they were calling that guy 'Shane Adams' and someone ended up hitting him on the head with a bottle or something?
I seem to drift back and forth between Newcastle and Rolling Rock, depending on the state of my finances. (When I got no money, buying a better beer makes me feel better.) You guys are hops fiends!
Yeah, I remember that – it was some place called Stacker Lee's or something. He got stabbed in the head with a fork and started bleeding.
The weird thing was, the fork barely broke the surface, but he bled like the proverbial stuck pig.
I can't do $10.00 a four pack, but I may have to change things up with the Shiner or Newcastle. I just can't bring myself to buy the High Life anymore, even when money was really tight. I've had my hand on the box at the grocery store, but ... I just can't.
It is the official beer of the Subteens, however!
I was really hoping to have the opportunity to say, "Heineken? Fuck that shit! PABST BLUE RIBBON!"
Ha ha! I can't tell you how many times I've used that line.
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