"And the main thing ... I'm not sure what in the world that has to do with being president of the United States," said the former Arkansas governor. -Mike Huckabee, after acknowledging (along with 2 other GOP presidential candidates) that he does not believe in evolution. America, can we please just not do this?
Holy shit. And I thought our long, national nightmare of being the laughingstock of the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD was almost over. Please, sweet baby Jesus, don't do this to us again.
On a very related note, The Onion rarely misses the mark.
This guy should understand how the species can adapt. After all, he used to be a super lard-ass who lost a bunch of weight. I guess the Lord melted those pounds away.
Holy shit. And I thought our long, national nightmare of being the laughingstock of the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD was almost over. Please, sweet baby Jesus, don't do this to us again.
On a very related note, The Onion rarely misses the mark.
Sometimes that line between Fox News and The Onion is really thin.
Fortunately we don't have to worry about him winning. How can any of them say that with a straight face?
But do we have to worry about him ... winging?
That should be 'whinging.'
This guy should understand how the species can adapt. After all, he used to be a super lard-ass who lost a bunch of weight. I guess the Lord melted those pounds away.
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