There's a discussion on
today's Salon Audiofile about pop music in repressive N. Korea. Mike Powell, a writer for
Styus: "I've been thinking a lot about what it means to appreciate music. If North Koreans have only one kind of music available to them, is their appreciation of it a moot point? Is it perverse to talk about people's enjoyment of something when they have no other choices? There is information that suggests that because of the fact that Western music is illegal there, most North Koreans don't even know that other music exists...there's no indication that the public has ever heard Elvis or the Beatles." I weep for the people of North Korea.
Bet they've never heard Abba, either.
Nice legs on that goose-stepper in the front. Maybe they've heard Rod Stewart...
Th-then that means they've never heard Of Montreal, either! Oh, the humanity!
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