I read some real winners this year. Narrowing it down to 5 best was like being at Total Wine and More (which we have nothing like in Memphis) and knowing what I didn't drink on the spot would have to fit in my carry-on. But after much deliberation, here are the ones I'm most glad to have read:
Beloved - Toni Morrison (anyone know if she's related to Jim?)
Let the Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist (full disclosure: I read this in spite of it being recommended by Jay Bastardo.)
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan
Dance Dance Dance - Haruki Murakami
Goodbye Columbus - Phillip Roth
Honorable mentions to Closely Watched Trains (by Hrabal, who someone turned me onto years ago), The Third Policeman (O'Brian) and Ender's Game (Card), all of which I enjoyed immensely.
Now show me yours.