Here's my simple plan:
- Drink black coffee at home. (I already do at work.)
- Eat a healthier breakfast. No more PopTarts and muffins. Half a cup of oatmeal, handful of raisins (or chopped up banana), handful of almonds, cinnamon.
- Eat a healthier lunch. I take my lunch to work four days a week, so that should be easy. Turkey sandwich on wheat bread (no cheese), pretzels, fruit.
- No more snacking after dinner.
- No drinking during the week. A beer or two every night is killing me.
- I'll pay more attention to portion sizes.
- I'll work out at least three times a week, but hopefully four.
Somehow, I've managed to regain most of my weight. I got on the scales a week ago, and to my horror (notice I didn't say surprise), I'm back up to 193 pounds. Unacceptable. Of the things on my original list, I'm still doing one.
Bastards, I'm rededicating myself to the lifestyle pledge I made three years ago. Anybody else?
Jay, yes, post-holidays. I'm adding these:
1. Spend the winter with my nose buried in a book while trying to restructure my character.
2. Break. Break my. Break my rusty cage and run.
3. Try not to be overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed.
4. Take the only tree that's left and stuff it up the hole in my culture.
Very clever, Lurker. So let's see, that's more reading (of Montreal), running (Johnny Cash), sleeping (Elvis Costello) and ... hole-stuffing (Leonard Cohen).
Yeah I'm right there with you. I've dropped about 10-15 depending on the time of day a step on the scale.
Yeah I'm right there with you. I've dropped about 10-15 depending on the time of day a step on the scale.
Jay, the adamantium injections you had over the summer fused with your skeleton and made you heavier. I suggest you embrace the new Super-You.
Also that pic is the very definition of Devo.
I hover around 180 and need to drop five to erase my tiny moobs. Plus, there is a wedding I'm going to in April. It's all about the beer for me.
I'm at my peak weight of 173. Jumping on the wagon for January, so that (if I can make it) should get my weight down.
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