I found this article you should check out on the Smithsonian site telling the story behind this wonderful Eggleston photo. The documentary revealed a fascinating character in the photographer: at times a Gregory Peck-like gentleman, charming and noble, at others a hard-drinking, chainsmoking eccentric, both amazing and kind of pathetic. We also see Eggleston as a late night musician, playing the piano after much whiskey.
Why is it so exhilarating to find a connection between two things you love independently? My next discovery was a jaw-dropper..
Joe's friend Ashley knows Eggleston (she calls him Bill), and she used to tell us some funny stories. One time, he was living in one side of a duplex and didn't want neighbors, so when anybody came to look at the vacant side, he would casually stroll onto the porch wearing nothing but pink panties and cowboy boots.
Other stories were not so funny; she frequently found him passed out in his kitchen floor ...
Lesa Aldridge also had an all-girl punk band called The Klitz. Years later, they reunited as responsible adults, rechristened The KILTS.
D'Oh! Should've read the article first ...
But did you know that THAT was Lesa?
No, I'd never seen that picture before. Great article, by the way! DOES knowing a photo's story diminish its impact?
Wonder what Eggleston would say. He doesn't answer questions about his photos, but he's so damned laid back about it all.
You might find the documentary that got me started on Eggleston interesting. I hesitate to recommend it, because it's the worst sort of doc, filmmaker as know-it-all, but whenever Bill or his photos are on screen, it's cool to watch. William Eggleston in the Real World. (even the title poops a cupcake!)
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