Eggleston and Chilton had first crossed paths earlier, when the photographer was using a studio in back of Chilton's parents' house, according to an Observer article. And who should I find is the piano player on Nature Boy on Third/Sister, a song I've probably heard 50 times? Bill Eggleston, of course! (I'm sure you guys already knew all this.)
I'll go you two better, free of charge. (Or you can buy the egg rolls at Ja-Ja's.)
If you listen closely near the end of "Nature Boy," Chilton starts to laugh when he sings "The greatest thing you'll ever learn ..." Just prior to that, you hear something go thwack in the background; it was Eggleston's falling crutch that he had propped against the piano. (He had a broken leg.)
Also, throughout the entire song, you can hear a little keyboard quietly playing the musical equivalent of gibberish in the background. That was Eggleston's young son playing along. Supposedly, John Frye hated it, but Jim Dickinson thought it complemented the performance. So it stayed.
I got the eggrolls! See? You guys know EVERYTHING! Well then, you can simply share in the innocent wonder of the Lurker, fumbling along behind you making his little discoveries. I've wondered about that laugh in Nature Boy!
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