We went to see 'Knocked Up' on Friday night (a good movie month for us- Pirates, Spidey, Knocked Up, and Ocean's 13 next weekend- more than we usually make it to in a year!). I'm sure you've read all the reviews- they pretty much have it right. Very funny, and definitely in the vein of 40 Year Old Virgin, i.e. sweet-natured and not only after cheap laughs. But there are plenty of those. The bit about the turd and the pubic hair alone ensures that! The protaganist and his schlubby friends are guys we can all relate to, even if we are a bit older than they are. There's a graphic scene of a crowning infant emerging from someone's v-jay-jay which should hold Lurker Mike's interest. Katherine Heigl looks delightful, but keeps her bra on for the sex scenes. Sorry Jay.
Oh, I'm there.
I saw Dreamgirls on DVD this weekend. It actually wasn't that bad.
I see Dream Girls every time I look at a picture of Joe and Jay.
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