Stumbled onto this site last night and thought you bastards might be interested. Everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - you might want to know about beer is here. Consult Beer 101 for The Basics, Beer Advocacy or Beer History; check out the most recent tastings & reviews; or consult a schedule of BeerAdvocate Fests, Events & Gatherings in your area. You can also subscribe to the BeerAdvocate magazine, buy a (very affordable) t-shirt or discuss your favorite beverage on the forum. The site makes a point of distinguishing beer snobs from beer geeks, aligning itself with the latter.
You'll be required to create a free account, but with 39,500 beers in the database, it's fun to see how your own favorites stack up or look for something new to try.
Enjoy, you functional alcoholics.
Now I've got something to do on Friday night!
While you're drinking beer!
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