A Good Quote From A Book I'm Reading

She dismounted wearing scuffed boots and dirty jeans and a T-shirt that was overwashed and faded, and at the very sight of her I made an involuntary noise that went, approximately, ohf ... ! I suppose ohf ... ! reflects as poorly on my character as a wolf whistle, but I swear it escaped without premeditation. Strictly a spinal reflex. (My friend Frank once walked around a street corner and came face-to-face with a woman so stunning he yelped "Jesus Christ!" This from a poet and charter member of the local Student Feminist Alliance.)
I can relate, too. Is the book good?
It's no Walk In The Woods, but it's pretty funny so far.
Yep, I've been there.
I've been there when you were there, and I think I've actually heard you yelp "Jesus Christ!"
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