From Wired:
Trent Reznor has been telling the whole world how happy he is to be free from his record label. Now the Nine Inch Nails mastermind has unveiled a post-label strategy that takes Radiohead's In Rainbows concept further by leveraging BitTorrent and releasing songs under a Creative Commons license that permits purchasers to remix the tracks.I bought the whole enchilada but can't download it 'til I get home. The article doesn't mention it, but these songs are all instrumental. So anybody who had a problem with Reznor's lyrics in the past (myself included) can listen guilt-free. The article also doesn't mention that Adrian Belew contributes guitar on a ton of these songs. NIN music for the non-NIN fan? Who knows ...
The full version of the new Nine Inch Nails album, Ghosts I-IV, contains 36 songs split into four volumes. Reznor (and/or his representatives) uploaded the first volume into BitTorrent, where it can be downloaded free.
The entire 36-song version can be purchased digitally (in the MP3 format) for a mere $5 from Amazon MP3 or the band's website, NIN.com. At this point, the site has slowed to a crawl due to the tremendous response to Sunday's release -- Reznor says they're adding more servers to cope with demand.
At the very least, check out the folder of goodies that Fell To Pieces. There's a 40-page pdf of GORGEOUS photos, plus some other schtuff.
I had NO idea you were gay.
Actually, this probably means you're just more 'adventurous' (sp?) than the rest of us.
Man, NIN and Neil D in one week.... doctor? doctor?
OK, I respect Reznor without enjoying his music.
I have some NIN, but can't get very excited about this instrumental stuff.
The BitTorrent protocol is at the center of a Comcast controversy. The cable behemoth pinched bandwidth for BitTorrent streams, in some cases just stopped them. So, can a cable provider finagle access to its customers depending on the content they're accessing?
I have to admit I used to despise Trent Reznor and his "poor me" schtick. For some reason, something clicked when I listened to With Teeth. (As you may recall, I also enjoyed Year Zero.)
Jay's lucky we're not smart enough to put things on the sidebar or make new banners.
It still really surprises me that you like NIN so much, Jay. I knew you were gay, though.
You bitch! We agreed we'd never speak of our dalliances.
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