Deep in my heart, I know Alien vs. Predator: Requiem will suck balls, but I am liking the idea of the predator/alien hybrid, currently being referred to as a "predalien" on the internets. Apparently, when an alien impregnates a host, the chestburster takes some of the host's DNA. (I refer you to the four-legged aliens who popped out of dogs in Alien III.)
Anyway, that bastion of quality journalism, USA Today, has a little slideshow that's worth checking out if you're into this kind of thing. And I know you are.
I didn't see A vs. P. Any good at all? Even a little? I loved most of the Alien films, even the ones I couldn't respect the next morning.
I just remember spending hours and hours and hours working on Robocop vs. Terminator. Wait, that's different, isn't it?
Oh man, I forgot about that game. You finished it, did you not?
Mike, I didn't see AVP, but you can read all about it here.
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