It is with a heavy heart that I must report that Rock And Roll Confidential (Your Band Sucks!) is officially dead. From the source:
I bear almost no resemblance to the person that started that site in 2000. Through the site–more specifically the forum attached to the site–I have forged friendships I hold very dear. I have been inspired by these friendships and have made what many would consider a radical shift in the the way I think and act. Turning forty played a significant role in shaping who I am today. Working at a job I love with brilliant, kind people has made it possible for me to wake up each morning looking forward to what the day holds. Simply put, I try to do good. (Emphasis on “try”)
Now, before I go any further, I should state for the record that I am an agnostic. None of these changes were brought about by Jesus. They were brought about by the kindness of other people. The Golden Rule.
More important than all of that “I’ve changed” razzmatazz is this unavoidable fact: I don’t think making fun of band dudes is funny any more. Not only have I personally plumbed the depths of that particular comedy well, but I have crossed over from “Guy Who Makes Fun of Stuff He Knows About” to “Guy Who Just Doesn’t Get It Anymore Because He Is Too Old.” Not that I’m at all tickled to be old and out of touch, but that’s what happens. I never thought there would be a day when I hadn’t heard a single song in the Billboard Top Ten. Yet, here I am.
I wear stronger glasses and sweater vests. I like sweater vests. I like watching birds from the porch of my office. I like talking about gardening. (I like talking about a lot of stuff I don’t actually do.) I’m a middle-aged man in the strictest sense of the term. If I live to be eighty, I am past the middle of my life. And middle-aged men have no business making fun of band dudes half their age. Also, middle-aged men have no business dating women half their age. Guess which statement I feel more strident about.
The good news? Dude has a new blog called Round Is Funny, which seems to be a more mature effort. But still laugh-out-loud funny.
Although I'm sad the site is done, I really have to admire this guy's level of self-awareness. How much better would the world be if everyone realized when they'd become a parody of themselves??
Well said, Dave. But I'll miss the Hall of Fame.
Gosh, just think how much better Los Bastardos Unidos would be ...
Your Mom! ha!
Man, I wasted many an hour larfing my ass off at the douchebags on his site. More power to him, though.
Dave, how will I know when I become a parody of myself? What if I already am?!! Now I'm stressed!
Thanks for the kind words, fellas. Glad you enjoyed RRC and are enjoying the new venture.
John Pickard
Creator of RRC and Roundisfunny.
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