I forgot to mention that when K and the kids were out of town last weekend, I treated myself to a movie, 'The Darjeeling Limited.' In some ways I'm over the poor-little-rich-kid thing Anderson's movies focus so much on, and I wasn't crazy about 'Life Aquatic' (but I only saw it once and would probably like it better if I got to see it again). I went in to this one without much in the way of expectations.
I thought it was pretty good, though certainly not gooooooood. It was for the most part well-written and acted (Brody is excellent), and funny (the constant pill scarfing is hilarious, but some of the jokes seem a little choreographed), if not a little too aware of its own preciousness. The soundtrack, on the other hand, is awesome, with splashes of old Kinks among the Indian (Bollywood?) tracks.
In short, it wasn't my favorite, but I look forward to seeing it again on DVD. Oh, and there's some Natalie Portman skin (careful!) in the short before the film.
Now, see? I was all ready to wait for video on this one and then you said those 3 magic words! I'm with you on Life Aquatic. I thought the Royal T.s was goooooooood.
Wes Anderson is a bit of a one trick pony to me. That one trick kicks ass, but I've seen it. Three times.
Having said that, I enjoyed Life Aquatic, especially Willem Dafoe ...
I'll add Darjeeling to my queueueueueueueue when the time comes.
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