The First Post, October 5, 2007
"This mammoth two-volume hardcover set collects every single piece of art that 'MAD's Maddest Artist' created from 1957 to 1987 - a 1,000-page body of work that displays astounding consistency, as well as provoking endless laughs. Illustrating absurdist gags that routinely bordered on the berserk, Martin's artwork featured a keen and detail-rich comedic sense. Terrific stuff: no wonder he's regarded as one of the all-time greats."
$94.50. Cheap!
What a shame I already bought you those purple Donny Osmond socks.
I got you Joe's ABBA collection.
Jay, do you still have the CD with every issue? Can you put up some Captain Klutz? Or any other brilliant Martin?
Yeah! I should be able get something posted today.
And guys, not to make your shopping duties that much harder, but I already own both of those.
When I was a yong MAD afficionado, I didn't really appreciate Don Martin. I was more 'drawn' to the realistic stuff that Mort Drucker was doing. Later I stumbled across an old issue and found that I enjoyed the Don Martin stuff the most.
Sergio Aragones's stuff has stuck with me over the years, too.
Anybody remember CRACKED or Crazy? They sucked balls, but they'd do in a pinch ...
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