Thursday, August 08, 2013


Shark Week on the Discovery channel pretty much blows. Turns out they faked a whole show. Sensationalized bullshit. This from the network that has a show about fishing with vaginas. Did you hear what I said? Fishing. With. Vagina. Setting my DVR. On a more positive note, Nat Geo Wild is doing shark week right.


Eric said...

I'm shocked! Shocked to find that sensationalist bullshit appears on cable television...
Which way to the vagina channel?

Jay said...

I must say, John Oliver's doing a hell of a good job in Jon Stewart's absence.

And Eric, Oxygen is the vagina channel. Duh.

Jay said...

Hey, speaking of vagina, any takers for this week's Vintage Pinup Friday?

Eric said...

Jay, we should probably pace ourselves and not overdo it. I'm told it's quite difficult to find any pron on the internets.

Mike said...

I think LBU has a responsibility to check out this vagina fishing business, I mean, right? I'm not saying I want to see that, you understand, HA HA! Who would? But it needs to be studied carefully in a, you know, responsible way.