Was it me, or was this a really disappointing year for new music? Nothing much grabbed me. Everything the critics raved about left me cold. Embryonic? Nah. Merriweather Post Pavilion? Nope. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix? Not so much.
Here are my favorites for this year, in no particular order.
The Xx - xx (It's the same song over and over, but it's a good song.)
Visqueen - Message To Garcia (Chops and pipes!)
Tinted Windows - Tinted Windows (Guilty pleasure. My brain says no, but my heart says yes.)
Heartless Bastards - The Mountain (Holy shit, that voice!)
Jarvis Cocker - Further Complications. (Maybe not as catchy as his first solo album, but I can appreciate his world view.)
Honorable mention to Sigur Rós for Med sud I eyrum vid spilum endalaust, even though I didn't talk about it. I know you guys don't go for that kinky shit.
Put 'em on the glass, ladies.
Yeah, I had a hard time finding anything to jump up and down about too. I might add the Avett Bros to that list. I also liked Airborne Toxic Event and Deertick, but I never got around to getting their albums. I don't find myself listening to the XX anymore. You should give MPP another listen. It's got some good stuff going on. Finally, I think the Beatles re-issues deserve a mention.
I dug Costello's Secret Profane and Sugarcane, but that's just me.
Hard to think of anything in 2009 that would've made my "best of" list for 2008. I did like Meriweather PP and I guess that Beatles stuff was OK, though a lot of it sounded familiar.
Saw Avatar today, in spite of Joe's enthusiastic endorsement. I thought it was sometimes Star Wars, sometimes Phantom Menace, but when you're not rolling your eyes at things that are Jar-Jar stupid, the scenery is breathtaking.
It's already made $1 billion globally, so it looks like Cameron's done it again, and word on the street is that he wants a trilogy.
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