My beloved Bobby Bowden (pictured above on the right), FSU coach for the last 34 years, winner of two national championships (including one perfect 12-0 season - suck it, Gators), and the 2nd winningest college coach of all time, has announced his retirement. The past few years have been lean ones for the Seminole win column, and many have been clamoring for him to go. I started going to FSU games during his second season, so as far as I have ever known, he IS FSU Football. It's a sad day, but hopefully the beginning of our return to greatness.
He's one of the truly great figures left in college football. Wish he could have gone out on better terms, but his career speaks volumes.
Nice job finding the shot with Burt!
This is almost as sad as Tommy West getting shit-canned as the Tigers head coach a few weeks ago.
Somehow, I will find the strength ...
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