Tamiflu is a wonder drug. I felt crappy Wednesday, but Thursday morning I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a hearse. I've never, NEVER been that sick before. I got my son to school and then slept an additional 5 hours, then off and on the rest of the day. If I sat down, I fell asleep. I mean, fucking scary sick. My head throbbed, I was dizzy and weak, breathing was painful, I had a fever of 101 ...
After another full night of sleep and two Tamiflu capsules, I felt just regular sick. No fever today, just congested and slightly out of it. I tell ya, it's a miracle.
Anybody else have similar Tamiflu experiences?
No, but I fended off a cold this week with Zicam. You use it as soon as you feel the cold coming on. Its basically a stick you jam in your schnozz ane let pure liquid zinc race through your system. Awesome.
Never tried it. I did, however, have a couple glasses of wine and two very nice bourbons, and woke up feeling slightly out of it - no congestion, though. So you might try that next time.
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