An article in today's Wall Street Journal begins thusly:
Videogamers have long played for points, kills or just plain bragging rights. But with the emergence of Internet middlemen, more gamers are wagering for prize money.
Gamers at WorldGaming.com can challenge players to videogames played online, such as Halo 3, background. The players wager on the outcome.
Today at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Toronto-based WorldGaming Inc. will begin accepting test users for WorldGaming.com, a site that allows players of popular Xbox and PlayStation console games to challenge other gamers to "tournaments" and bet on the outcome.
Have at it, chaps!
I wonder if they'll put their money where their mortar launchers are.
Jay might actually be able to make some money at this. The rest of us would just be paying to die.
I've been putting my money where my mortar launcher is my whole life.
I'd bet on Jay or Joe either one. No wait, who was that kid who kicked all our mortar launchers a few weeks ago?
That would be that son-of-a-bitch Chad. All my money's on him, or maybe Ian.
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