Maybe it was already on my mind from catching
Cherry 2000 (wonderful '80s apocalyptic B-movie with Melanie Griffith) last week, but I found Salon's Machinist column
Love and Sex with Robots pretty interesting. It reviews a book (written from a doctoral thesis, no less) that predicts that people will bond ever more closely with their mechanical servants, until something like LOVE happens. Crazy?
"What's love got to do with robots?
Well, what's love got to do with pets? Levy points out that like robots, cats and dogs first pushed into human lives by providing services to our ancestors -- cats kept homes free of rats, dogs were guards and hunting partners and herders. Love was only a side benefit of such relationships, a feeling cooked up in human brains and exploited by the animals, who got shelter and food and safety from the deal."
I personally find if more likely that huge, rich corporations like Microsoft will find a way to dominate the market, squelch all competitors and charge more and more for worse and worse robots. It's more likely we'll hate the damned things. And if the robots ever turn on us, I swear they'll be like malevolent, deathray-equipped Nascar vehicles!
So, one day in the not-too-distant future, we'll be grudge-fucking our robots?
My dog is a deathray-equipped Nascar vehicle. There's a vibrator joke in here somewhere, isn't there? There's also a joke related to Jay's fascination with robots and not so latent homosexuality. Unfortunately I'm too tired for both.
You were never too tired when we were "roommates."
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