"We are very excited to be working with holiday cheer," said Lentz, who called the look of wonder on a young child's face and the company's new line of durable trucks a "natural pairing." "From now on, whenever anyone curls up in front of a crackling fireplace, or takes a moment to reflect on the importance of family, Toyota will be there."
"Toyota is not the first company to make a cross-promotional deal with a popular indefinable entity, however. In 2002, Johnson & Johnson secured a partnership with a mother's unconditional love for her child, while Budweiser paired up with a teenager' s desire to escape feelings of social anxiety and confusion in 2005."
I guess all the College Bowl Games were taken.
I hope Toyota does a better job with holiday cheer than Pepto Bismol did with it last year. And I don't know about you guys, but my holiday cheer is usually sponsored by Jaegermeister.
I hear ya Dave!
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