From cracked.com, the 6 most terrifying foods in the world.
Humans are like goats. We'll eat any damned thing. Just ask the people who make PowerBars.
In fact, you'll find foods in this world that don't even seem possible. Not just that they could exist, but that people would actually stick this stuff in their mouths without a gun to their head.
We've found six dishes that seemed to have sprung from Satan's own cookbook.
Funny, disgusting and just in time for Halloween.
Read the whole article here.
A guy I work with was talking about the horrid duck eggs the other day. They're evidently a pretty regular menu item in the Philippines. Ack!
I've seen lutefisk in MN, disgusting.
I'll bet Anthony Bordain has eaten all of these.
The rotten cheese with the jumping maggots got me ...
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