Ann Coulter's in trouble again, and I really hope this grab for the spotlight takes off like the Imus thing. (Sharpton's not involved, so I doubt it ...) She's offended the Jews this time, saying that they all need to be "perfected" by becoming Christians.
This bitch literally makes my skin crawl. I had kinda hoped she would be run out of town after her tirade about the "greedy 9/11 widows," but maybe this will get the job done.
Until we see how this plays out, I invite you to read - or re-read - this fine piece of adult humor. (Hopefully the link is still good, it's getting blocked at work.)
Link's gone. The thing about her is the more offensive she is, the more she's liked and validated by the people who actually like her.
Dang it! That was a good one. If I can find a copy, I'll provide a link.
It's sad that instead of using the unprecedented media access available to consider a variety of views, most just want to hear their own ideas validated repeatedly. News media, once used to get info, is now used to reinforce identity. So the wicked witch of the right will probably keep flying high no matter what she says.
That just ... sucks.
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