I played the shit out of this one in high school, too. Not necessarily their best, but not their worst, either. (That would be All Shook Up for my money - George Martin or not, it was a big ol' steaming elephant turd.) For Standing, the band reunited with Jack Douglas, producer of their very first album, Cheap Trick.
Widely regarded as CT's last good album, Standing On The Edge has been out of print in the States for years.
Forsake Tempting Pastries!
Cheap Trick's first album will always be their best IMHO. However, I recommend an open ear listening to 'One On One' from 1982. Absolutely oustanding all the way through, with a bit of a new wave vibe going on. A couple of hits (She's Tight, If You Want My Love) supplemented by a couple weird tracks (Saturday at Midnight, I Want Be Man) plus a couple of rockers (Four Letter Word, I Want You). Excellent album. Likewise, Cheap Trick (their second self-titled album) from 02 or 03 is a fantastic return to form. Last year's Rockwood is solid as hell too, but not as good as the aforementioned. Check 'em out paisano, check 'em out.
I LOVE One On One! Seriously.
Besides what's already been mentioned, I'm also partial to In Color and Next Position Please.
It's been a long time since I've heard the first album. I may have to pick it up ...
I wasn't crazy about this one. A little too synthy and 'Tonight It's You' was way overplayed. I'll give it a good listening too again, though. And Dave, you're spot on about One on One.
If I can figure out what I did wrong with the Parasites, I'll put the first up on the Flaming Toasty Platter.
Excellent, sir.
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