I've had this album since 92 or 93 and just ran across it again recently. Absolutely unbelievable stuff. I think this band was really just a guy who did all or almost all the instruments. The best thing, most of the songs sound like they could be really, really good Subteens songs- Kram even sounds like this guy on a lot of it, and those tasty progressions could have sprung from the mind of Jay Hines. Or someone just like him. I've put it up on the Filipino Touring Pram for your enjoyment- tell me it doesn't sound like the 'teens! I mean, really, DON'T tell me that!
Wow, the dude on the album cover even looks likes a less-hairy Jay! It's uncanny!
Thanks, I'll download er tonight.
Something's a bit screwy with this download. The tracks won't play in MusicMatch, Real or WMP. Anyone else have problems? Not in general, just with this, I mean.
Hmmm....weird. Did I upload them incorrectly or something? Or is it because its an old CD on a forgotten label? The CD itself plays on my WMP. I'll try again tomorrow.
Can you try this, Jay? And then maybe post another video Joe can't see, please?
CDAs aren't audio files.
Here's a good explanation.
You can't just copy these files from a disc to your computer, you'll have to convert them with iTunes or Windows Media Player.
And one more video, coming up!
I'll try again today- the weird thing is, I thought I uploaded them the same way I uploaded everything else I've posted- unless, you guys have never actually listened to anything I've ever posted....... (runs from room, crying, slams door).
Ha ha ha!
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